There are various controversial debates on using sunflower oil for cooking. But are we really concerned about this topic or just ignoring it and moving on with not using sunflower oil at all. Before coming to conclusion it is always good to read on things and taking decisions on our own.
Sunflower oil is not only an essential cooking oil but it has also got various health benefits that supports the functioning of major organs in the body.
Sunflower oil helps you to say good bye to heart diseases:
Because the seeds of sunflower contains Vitamin E, Slelenium, Magnesium, B Vitamins and other necessary micro-nutrients that makes you ward off any kind of heart ailments.
It helps you fight against cancer:
Vitamin E in sunflower seeds is found to have property that reduces free oxyden radicals thereby enabling cells and DNA to fight against tumour growth.
Improves thyroid functioning:
Slelenium and magnesium presence in sunflower seeds helps in better functioning of thyroid glands.
Improves Bone health:
Magnesium presence in sunflower seeds helps in enabling better calcium accumulation and Vitamin D absorption.
Helps to control Diabetics:
Sunflower seeds have good fatty acids and less calories which helps in reducing hyperglycemia.
It improves skin tone:
Vitamin E and Vitamin B in sunflower seeds keep skin soft and healthy and also it protects skin against sun burn.
As sunflower seeds contains so many beneficial factor that makes life much easier, using it for cooking is totally safe and secured than using other edible cooking oil on the market as they are adulterated to increase the weight of the oil . Oils like Palm oil, Canola oil , corn oil are dangerous to health as they are not refined hygienically and there are lot of adulteration procedure that is done to these oils.
The best sunflower oil in the market is Sunright refined sunflower oil, this is because of its high smoke point and its clean and clear visibility . As sunflower oil is mostly used to fry crispy and crunchy dishes, its availability and demand in the market is very high. So read the ingredients listed behind the pack of the brand you purchase and know whether it is a high quality Sunflower refined oil with no mixing of any other oil. Sunright refined sunflower oil consist of no mixing and it is refined purely to remove wax content in the oil and it is fortified with vitamin A & D. So Make sure to use health alternative for a healthy cooking, use Sunright and live strong !